- CD-ROM drive
- дисковод компакт-дисков, дисковод лазерных дисков
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
CD-ROM drive — ➔ drive2 … Financial and business terms
CD-ROM Drive — [engl.], CD ROM Laufwerk … Universal-Lexikon
CD-ROM drive — [[t]si͟ː diː rɒ̱m draɪv[/t]] CD ROM drives N COUNT A CD ROM drive is the device that you use with a computer to play CD ROMs … English dictionary
CD ROM drive — drive which reads compact discs … English contemporary dictionary
Saturn double-speed CD-ROM drive — The Sega Saturn video game console features a double speed CD ROM drive manufactured by JVC Victor (some models may have been manufactured by Hitachi orSanyo). The drive has a transfer rate of 320 Kbit/s, and a 64 Kbit data cache. Drive related… … Wikipedia
CD-ROM drive — noun a drive that is connected to a computer and on which a CD ROM can be played • Hypernyms: ↑drive … Useful english dictionary
CD-ROM drive — noun A device for reading data from a CD ROM … Wiktionary
drive — ▪ I. drive drive 1 [draɪv] verb drove PASTTENSE [drəʊv ǁ droʊv] driven PASTPART [ˈdrɪvn] driving PRESPART drive a hard bargain COMMERCE to … Financial and business terms
drive — drive1 [ draıv ] (past tense drove [ drouv ] ; past participle driven [ drıvn ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 control vehicle ▸ 2 provide power to move ▸ 3 push something to hit something else ▸ 4 force someone to leave ▸ 5 force someone into bad state ▸ 6 make … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
drive */*/*/ — I UK [draɪv] / US verb Word forms drive : present tense I/you/we/they drive he/she/it drives present participle driving past tense drove UK [drəʊv] / US [droʊv] past participle driven UK [ˈdrɪv(ə)n] / US 1) [intransitive/transitive] to control a… … English dictionary
drive*/*/*/ — [draɪv] (past tense drove [drəʊv] ; past participle driven [ˈdrɪv(ə)n] ) verb I 1) [I/T] to control a vehicle so that it moves somewhere, or to go somewhere by doing this Usually, my sister drives and I read the map.[/ex] You will drive carefully … Dictionary for writing and speaking English